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Former Co Founder Of Grossman Burn Foundation Found Guilty Of Murder

Rebecca Grossman Sentenced to 15 Years to Life

Former Co-Founder of Grossman Burn Foundation Found Guilty of Murder

Grossman's Net Worth Estimated at $20 Million

In a breaking story, Rebecca Grossman, former co-founder of the Grossman Burn Foundation, was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for the deaths of Mark and Jacob Iskander, aged 11 and 8. The sentence was handed down Monday in Van Nuys during an emotion-packed hearing.

Grossman's husband testified Tuesday that he had ridden in the car with her hundreds of times but could not recall her ever driving recklessly. However, prosecutors presented evidence that Grossman had a history of erratic driving and had been involved in multiple accidents.

Grossman's net worth is estimated at $20 million. She was ordered to pay $10 million to the victims' families.
